You must understand the lingo whether you want to participate in the current competitive trend or your favorite streamer has recently started playing a new genre. The lingo used in the gaming world varies from community to community. However, a few particular terminology and concepts that are nearly commonly used are sufficient to get you started. The most common gaming acronyms that every player should be aware of are listed here. If you happen to forget something, don’t worry; you can always come back and check; we won’t judge you!
Acronyms for Video Game Genres

- MMO stands for Massively Multiplayer Online.
- MMOG stands for Massive Multiplayer Online Game. You may finish by replacing the word “game” with a “G,” but you frequently get confused by this small modification.
- RPG is an abbreviation for Role-Playing Game. Make your character and see it grow in strength, abilities, and knowledge. Bring it to life. Accept the position!
- ARPG is an abbreviation for Action Role-Playing Game. Role-playing at its finest! Instead of Second Life, battle, run, and defeat your opponents.
- MMORPG stands for Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. And what do you think of new, lengthy, difficult-to-pronounce acronyms? Combine them, and presto!
- TBS is an abbreviation for Turn-Based Strategy. TBSs are usually divided into stages or turns. The first turn is used to put your strategy into action, and the second is used to test how well your plan works. You can spend one round of your project in PvP (player vs. player) games while the other player waits. Chess is the most well-known TBS game.
- RTS is an abbreviation for Real-Time Strategy. Take football, for example. Players must decide what they will do right now. Improvise. There isn’t time for introspection. RTS mechanics assess the player’s ability to function under duress by simulating a real-world activity. Examples include classics like Starcraft and Age of Empires.
Acronyms for Multiplayer Gaming
- AFK stands for “Away From Keyboard.” Used to notify teammates that you will be out of the game for a short period.
- BRB: I’ll be right back. Another approach is to notify others that you will be momentarily unavailable.
- DC stands for disconnect. Connection problems or pulling out of a game in progress
- DPS stands for Damage Per Second. The amount of damage done by an effect in one second is commonly used to measure the efficacy of an assault and frequently used for strikes that take more than one second to perform, where the overall damage of the attack is divided by the number of seconds it takes to use again.
- DOT stands for Damage Over Time. In contrast to a one-time health strike, an effect or power continuously harms a victim over time.
- FF stands for Friendly Fire. Hitting and injuring a member of your team or group. Usually unintentional.
- FPS stands for a first-person shooter.
- FPS stands for frames per second. In addition to a first-person shooter, FPS may also refer to frames per second, which measures how smoothly a game seems to run on a specific machine. The greater the frame rate, the better the performance and smoother the game appears to the human eye.
- GG: Good Game. A pleasantry is used to show respect for fellow participants, generally spoken after the game has ended.
- GGP stands for Gotta Go Pee. Notifying others that it is time to use the restroom.
- GTG stands for “Good To Go.” Ready to begin the game?
- HP stands for Hit Points or Health Points. The health of a character.
- GLHF stands for “Good Luck, Have Fun.”
Typically stated to the other team at the outset of an online match to get the game started in good spirits.
- GG/GGWP: Good Game, Well Played
Typically shouted after a game. GG is also used in games such as DOTA2 and StarCraft to indicate when a team concedes defeat.
- AFK stands for “Away From Keyboard.”